What the Heck is This?
Ok, so the tarriffs were paused. Great. But does anyone really believe that the orange turd down south won't keep trying to pull some bullshit on the global economy? I certainly don't, and I'm not cool sitting around waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Better Prepared
The unity our country has shown over the past week, in response to this economic war the US is declaring ( and make no mistake, that's what it is ) has been amazing. And I thought perhaps we could take it a step further. List out our proudly Canadian companies ( in the Shop Canadian section ), but also band together and offer a list of services ( discounted where we can ) to ensure that our small and medium businesses can survive whatever comes our way.
Why Discounts?
Maybe it sounds counterintuitive to some of you, but the way that I look at it, keeping some money coming in the door, is better than none. So we offer discounts to both stimulate demand, and to help anyone who is struggling to still get things done. I know I'm in a position to offer fairly steep discounts, everyone else can decide for themselves how to add value to anyone who comes here.
Yes, This is Super Basic
I put this together in a couple of hours, it's as simple as simpel gets. If it needs more, I'll add more. In the meantime, I hope it helps. In the bottom right corner of every page is a "Questions?" button, if you click it, and send me an email, with questions or suggestions, I'll get back to you right away.